Monday, September 9, 2013


I'm starting in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! Where did the time go?...

I'm excited to start school at UC Davis, it's been my dream since I was a fetus, but all this excitement is starting to turn into a jumble of mixed emotions. I'm worried about the work load considering I'm taking THREE lab classes >.< I know, I know. Call me craaaaazy but hey, that's what happens when you're trying to change majors. I already plan on dropping one of the lab classes if I get into my wait-listed class so don't go commenting down below about that Lol

On the opposite side of the septum, I'm filled with excitement on starting my dorm life (thank goodness I got a single dorm!). I can't wait to move in and be on my own. I already have my dorm life planned out, as silly as that can be. I'm excited to live on my own, make friends, enjoy the FREEDOM! Oh, the long awaited freedom.

People always ask about the friendships I'm leaving behind as I move away for school. Uh, leaving behind? Excuse me, those friendships are coming with me. Distance doesn't change the strong bonds I share with the friends I've been blessed to have down here in SoCal. My home is here, my life started here, everything important to me is down here and that will never change. Yes I'll make new friends, and I actually already have, but that doesn't mean they'll replace the wonderful friends I already have in my life. No one can replace them, EVER.

I've met and seen some people who seem to think that college is going to be like high school; similar work load, similar environment, and similar types of people. I can't tell them enough about how wrong they are. Obviously the work load is going to be harder, college isn't known as the institutions of higher education for nothing. Don't spread yourself thin with so many classes, especially as a Freshmen. You have to get the feel of things first! That's how dropouts happen... On the topic of same environment and people, I actually think that the college environment is definitely a toned down version of high school. This is the time to be yourself and to grow as a person. Spend this time trying to figure out who you are and what you want to do. College isn't the place to make a hierarchy of social groups, if you want to do that then go back to high school. You're going to college to have a secure future, so your mind set should be on based off of that. Major in what your passionate about, make friends with those who you will benefit from, and set a future goal for yourself. Don't waste your time trying to be someone who you're not just so that you'll be cool, college isn't your "second shot of high school popularity" (smh).

One tip:
Always remember to always be, simply you <3

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